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Phishing Scams Targeting WCU

Examples of scam activity targeting the University.


Recent Scams:

Example02: A Job with flexible hours…

Example02: A Job with flexible hours…

Scammers attempt to impersonate WCU Staff Email scams are one of the primary ways that malicious actors fund their operations. Attackers employ social engineering tactics to mislead the target into giving away sensitive information. Attackers impersonate University...



Email scams are one of the primary ways that malicious actors infiltrate organizations. Many of the recent large cybersecurity breaches in the news began with malicious actors sending scam or phishing emails. Attackers impersonate University IT to try and convey a sense of authority and urgency.

Report Phishing

If you receive a phishing scam to your University email address, use the report button in Outlook or forward it to us at secops@wcu.eduĀ 


How do I report phishing emails?

When you report an email using the “Report Message” button in Outlook, several things can happen depending on the specific situation and the policies of your organization.

Recognizing Malicious EmailĀ 

Correctly and confidently identifying malicious email(spam, phishing, spoofing) can be difficult. Below is an article from WCU IT to help with this process.

Minimize the spam I receive in my email

Reporting malicious email and spam is important to improving security policies for the entire organization. If you want to take a more active role in minimizing the spam you receive, check out the linked guide.